The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has announced the appointment of Manoranjan Mishra as its new Executive Director (ED). His responsibilities will include overseeing the Enforcement Department, Risk Monitoring Department, and Department of External Investments & Operations.

Mishra brings a wealth of experience to his new role, having previously served as Chief General Manager in the Department of Regulation at the RBI. He has spent over three decades at the RBI, during which he was involved in bank and Non-Banking Financial Company (NBFC) regulation, bank supervision, and policy development on various levels.

In addition to his extensive professional experience, Mishra holds several academic qualifications. These include a post-graduate degree in economics, an MBA in banking and finance, and a master’s degree from Aston Business School, UK. His combination of practical experience and academic background is expected to serve him well in his new role as Executive Director.

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